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Episode Blog :""

alternate episode titles:

"suck that dick over there Sierra"

"I shit like a MAN"

"5 grand a week, he can have MY ass"

"Sierra-"Ive shit in a bucket before"

This week the Mogwais are joined by the DIZZLE himself JD, and Sierra,

News links:

Dectective McTitties services were required to track down out local onlyfans model fired from her teaching position, spoiler alert: he already had that link saved to his phone, Sierra is still bogarting that butthole and we played some trivia, a mix of fact or crap and simple easy trivia. Kollin won with 16 points, narrowly defeating JD with 13, but on the final question, Sierra stole 5 points to end the game with 8 herself. wtf Sierra....way to lose the game for JD.

OH and special treat for you guys, also releasing at the same time ...Our Steve Ewing Interview!!! Kollin and Gotts took the studio up to Wonderful Steves hot dogs a few weeks back and sat down with the man himself Steve Muthafuckin' Ewing of the URGE! it was an honor to sit down with someone weve been watching on stage since we were young. it was a great Interview and were so glad to finally be able to share it with you!

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